Bài tập Tết môn tiếng Anh lớp 7 năm 2023 – 2024

Bài tập Tết môn tiếng Anh lớp 7 năm 2023 – 2024 là tài liệu cực hay dành cho các bạn học sinh lớp 7 tham khảo. Bài tập Tết tiếng Anh 7 gồm 27 trang trình bày dưới dạng file word rất dễ chỉnh sửa.

Bạn đang đọc: Bài tập Tết môn tiếng Anh lớp 7 năm 2023 – 2024

Bài tập Tết Tiếng Anh lớp 7 được biên soạn gồm cả bài tập có đáp án kèm theo tự luyện. Qua đó giúp các em có sự so sánh và đối chiếu kết quả sau khi giải quyết đề bài. Mỗi bài tập đều đưa ra một hoặc hai cách giải để các em học sinh tham khảo, đối chiếu tìm ra cách giải hay, ngắn gọn nhất. Qua đó các em có thêm những kĩ năng làm bài và củng cố khắc sâu các kiến thức mới được học nhanh hơn. Bên cạnh bài tập tiếng Anh 7 các bạn xem thêm bài tập Tết môn Toán 7.

Bài tập Tết môn tiếng Anh lớp 7 năm 2023 – 2024

    Phiếu bài tập Tết môn Tiếng Anh 7 – Đề 1

    Phiếu bài tập số 1

    I. Fill in each blank with one suitable word from the box.

    created;                     his;                    childhood;                 why;                 most;

    Chaplin was born in London on the 16th of April, 1889. He spent his (1) _____ in poverty and hardship. In 1910 he began to perform pantomime in the United States.

    He first appeared on screen in 1914. He (2) _____ his world-famous character, the Tramp, and he played this classic role in more than 70 films during (3) _____ career. He also composed background music for (4) _____ of his films. Chaplin died on the 25th of December, 1977, at his home in Switzerland.

    II. Rewrite the sentence.

    1. My brother enjoys coffee very much.

    -> Coffee ……………………………..………………..

    2. What is the price of a plate of fried rice?

    -> How ……………………………………………..

    3. This food has some meat and tofu.

    -> There …………………………………….………………

    4. Chicken is my sister’s favorite food. (likes)


    5. There is sugar in many kinds of food. (have)

    -> ……………………………………………….

    III. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.

    1.A. sun B. fun C. put D. unhappy
    2. A. mind B. bike C. tradition D. tidy
    3. A. my B. happy C. hobby D. factory
    4.A. health B. team C. sea D. beach
    5.A. they B. thank C. these D. there

    IV. Choose the best option to complete the sentence.

    1. Minh used to _________his homework late in the evening. ( does/ do / doing / did)

    2. If people _________the rules, there are no more accidents. ( follow / take care of / obey / remember)

    3. You should _________right and left when you go across the roads.( see / look / be / take)

    4. Hurry up or we can’t _________the last bus home. ( keep / follow / go / catch)

    5. Public _________in my town is good and cheap. ( transport / tour / journey / travel)

    6. _________is not very far from here to the city centre. ( That / This / It / There)

    7. When there is a traffic jam, it _________me a very long time to go home.( costs/ takes / lasts / spends)

    8. Mai’s dad usually drives her to school __her school is very far from her house.( but / though/ because / or)

    9. Traffic accidents can be prevented if people _______ the rules ( remember / obey / go after / take care of)

    10. Hurry up, or we’ll _______ the last bus. (lose / avoid / miss / drop)

    11. Does your bike ever __________ down on the way to school? ( break / take / do / turn)

    12. Give a __________ before you turn left or right. ( sign / turn / sound / signal)

    V. Complete the sentences with comparative or superlative form

    1. Mount Everest is (high) …………………………………………………… mountain in the world.

    2. Winter is (cold) ………………………………………………….. season in the year.

    3. Going by car is (convenient) ……………………………………………. going by bicycle in this area.

    4. The Sahara is (hot) …………………….. …………………………… desert in the world.

    5. This building is (modern) ………….. ……………………………………… that one.

    VI. Rewrite these sentences.

    1. There is a big library in Lan’s school.

    Lan’s school ____________________

    2. Lan learns Math very well.

    Lan is very ____________________

    3. Which subject do you like best?

    What is your ____________________

    4. Why don’t we go swimming?

    What about ____________________

    5. The birthday cake is very delicious.

    What ____________________

    6. When is her birthday?

    What ____________________ ?

    7. Nam works more hours than Lan.

    Lan works____________________

    Đáp án phiếu bài tập số 1

    I. Fill in each blank with one suitable word from the box.

    1 – childhood; 2 – created; 3 – his; 4 – most;

    II. Rewrite the sentence.

    1 – Coffee is my brother’s favorite drink.

    2 – How much is a plate of fried.

    3 – There are some meat and tofu (in) this food.

    4 – My sister likes chicken.

    5 – Many kinds of food have sugar.

    III. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.

    1 – C;

    2 – C;

    3 – A

    4 – A;

    5 – B;

    IV. Choose the best option to complete the sentence.

    1 – do;

    2 – obey;

    3 – look;

    4 – catch;

    5 – transport;

    6 – it;

    7 – takes;

    8 – because;

    9 – obey;

    10 – miss;

    11 – break;

    12 – signal;

    V. Complete the sentences with comparative or superlative form

    1. Mount Everest is (high) ………….the highest…………… mountain in the world.

    2. Winter is (cold) ……………..the coldest….. season in the year.

    3. Going by car is (convenient) …………more convenient than……. going by bicycle in this area.

    4. The Sahara is (hot) …………the hottest………….. …… desert in the world.

    5. This building is (modern) ……….more modern than…………….. that one.

    VI. Rewrite these sentences.

    1 – Lan’s school has a big library.

    2 – Lan is very good at Maths.

    3 – What is your favorite subject ?

    4 – What about going swimming?

    5 – What a delicious birthday cake!

    6 – What is her date of birth ?

    7 – Lan works fewer hours than Nam

    Phiếu bài tập Tết môn Tiếng Anh 7 – Đề 2

    Phiếu bài tập số 2

    I. Choose 4 words pronounced /t/. (1m)

    stamped, looked, booked, washed, raised, visited


    II. Choose the best answer to fill in each gap (laugh, sweet, learn, riding, less) (1m)

    1. This orange tastes __________.

    2. My father usually helps me __________English.

    3. I drink _________ coffee than you.

    4. My joke made the whole class ________

    III. Each sentence below contains an error find it and correct it. (1m)

    1. Mr. Robinson wasn’t (A)take Liz to (B) the zoo (C) yesterday afternoon (D) . …………….

    2. In the future we will (A) have fewer (B) work and more (C) money to spend .(D) …………….

    IV. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given. (1m)

    1. I have an……………with my doctor at 5 p.m tomorrow. (appoint)

    2. The nurse needs to know Hoa’s ……………………… (high)

    V. Rewrite the following sentences beginning as directed. (2ms)

    1. Listening to music is more interesting than watching TV.

    → I prefer. ………………………………………………………………………………..

    2. How much was this pen?

    → How much ………………………………………………?

    3. It takes me about two hours each day to do my homework.

    → I ………………………………………………………………………………

    4. My mother doesn’t like coffee and tea.

    → My mother likes neither………………………………………………………………..

    VI. Give the correct form of the verbs (2ms)

    1. I don’t enjoy (play) chess. …………….

    2. John is the (happy) person that we’ve known. …………….

    3. Two days ago I (take) my final exam. It …………….

    4. I am fond of (read) the science book. ……………

    VII. Read the following passage then answer the question. (2ms)

    Last week, Hung had a sore throat. And she coughed a lot. Hung’s mother gave her some tablets of amoxicillin and asked her to take them. But Hung did not relieve. So she had to stay at home 3 days from Tuesday to Thursday. On Friday, Hung’s aunt, Mrs. An visited her family and she suggested using honey, ginger, salt and lemon juice to mix together. She asked Hung to drink a little sometimes. After 2 hours, Hung felt more pleasant. One day passed, Hung’s disease almost disappears. Thank for her aunt’s visiting, Hung had a special cure for her sore throat.


    1. What’s the matter with Nhung?………………………………………….

    2. How many days was she absent from class? ………………………………………..

    3. What did she use for her treatment?………………………………………..

    4. Did Nhung have a new effect treatment for her disease?………………………………………..

    VIII. Choose the word which best fits each gap (1m)

    Look out for yourself and your friends when out on foot and bike. Choose the (1) ________ routes you can like quieter, slower roads, with pavements if you’re walking or cycle paths if you’re going by bike.

    It’s easy to get distracted by your phone or by friends, but you need to be (2)________ to traffic. Put your phone away and take your earphones (3)________ when crossing the road. Don’t trust that drivers (4)_______ spot you and be able to stop in time – many drivers go too fast and don’t pay enough attention, (5)________ anything you can do to protect yourself is a good thing.

    1. A. safe

    B. safer

    C. safest


    2. A. risky

    B. warning

    C. serious

    D. alert

    3. A. off

    B. over

    C. out

    D. down

    4. A. must

    B. will

    C. could

    D. should

    5. A. but

    B. so

    C. though

    D. because

    Đáp án phiếu bài tập số 2

    I. Choose 4 words pronounced /t/. (1m)

    looked, booked, washed, stamped

    II. Choose the best answer to fill in each gap (1m)

    1. sweet 2. learn

    3. less 4. laugh

    III. Each sentence below contains an error find it and correct it. (1m)

    1. A …………….didn’t

    2. B…………….less

    IV. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given. (1m)

    1. I have an……appointment………with my doctor at 5 p.m tomorrow. (appoint)

    2. The nurse needs to know Hoa’s ………….height………….. (high)

    V. Rewrite the following sentences beginning as directed. (2ms)

    1. → I prefer Listening to music to watching TV.

    2. → How much does this dictionary cost?

    3. → I spend about two hours each day doing my homework.

    4. → My mother likes neither coffee nor tea.

    VI. Give the correct form of the verbs (2m)

    1. I don’t enjoy (play) chess. ……playing……….

    2. John is the (happy) person that we’ve known. ……..happiest……..

    3. Two days ago I (take) my final exam. It ………took…….

    4. I am fond of (read) the science book. ……..reading…….

    VII. Read the following passage then answer the question. (1m)

    1. They start at 7. 2. It lasts 15 minutes.

    3. He has 8 periods. 4. He likes English best.

    VIII. Choose the word which best fits each gap (1m)

    1. C

    2. D

    3. C

    4. B

    5. B

    Phiếu bài tập Tết môn Tiếng Anh 7 – Đề 3

    Bài 1: Bài tập về các thì

    1. I (learn) English for seven years now.

    2. But last year I (not/ work) hard enough for English, that’s why my marks (not/ be) really that good then.

    3. As I (pass/ want) my English exam successfully next year, I (study) harder this term.

    4. During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) me on a language course to London.

    5. It (be) great and I (think) I (learn) a lot.

    6. Before I (go) to London, I (not/ enjoy) learning English.

    7. But while I (do) the language course, I (meet) lots of young people from all over the world.

    8. There I (notice) how important it (be) to speak foreign languages nowadays.

    9. Now I (have) much more fun learning English than I (have) before the course.

    10. At the moment I (revise) English grammar.

    11. And I (begin/ already) to read the texts in my English textbooks again.

    12. I (think) I (do) one unit every week.

    13. My exam (be) on 15 May, so there (not/ be) any time to be lost.

    14. If I (pass) my exams successfully, I (start) an apprenticeship in September.

    15. And after my apprenticeship, maybe I (go) back to London to work there for a while.

    16. As you (see/ can), I (become) a real London fan already.

    Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

    1. When I last saw him, he _____ in London.

    A. has lived
    B. is living
    C. was living
    D. has been living

    2. We _______ Dorothy since last Saturday.

    A. don’t see
    B. haven’t seen
    C. didn’t see
    D. hadn’t seen

    3. The train ______ half an hour ago.

    A. has been leaving
    B. left
    C. has left
    D. had left

    4. Jack ______ the door.

    A. has just painted
    B. paint
    C. will have painted
    D. painting

    5. My sister ________ for you since yesterday.

    A. is looking
    B. was looking
    C. has been looking
    D. looked

    6. I ______ Texas State University now.

    A. am attending
    B. attend
    C. was attending
    D. attended

    7. He has been selling motorbikes ________.

    A. ten years ago
    B. since ten years
    C. for ten years ago
    D. for ten years

    8. Christopher Columbus _______ American more than 500 years ago.

    A. discovered
    B. has discovered
    C. had discovered
    D. had been discovering

    9. He fell down when he ______ towards the church.

    A. run
    B. runs
    C. was running
    D. had run

    10. We _______ there when our father died.

    A. still lived
    B. lived still
    C. was still lived
    D. was still living

    11. They ______ table tennis when their father comes back home.

    A. will play
    B. will be playing
    C. pla
    D. would play

    12. By Christmas, I _______ for Mr. Smith for six years.

    A. will have been working
    B. will work
    C. have been working
    D. will be working

    13. I _______ in the room right now.

    A. am being
    B. was being
    C. have been being
    D. am

    14. I ______ to New York three times this year.

    A. have been
    B. was
    C. were
    D. had been

    15. I’ll come and see you before I _______ for the States.

    A. leave
    B. will leave
    C. have left
    D. shall leave

    16. The little girl asked what _______ to her friend.

    A. has happened
    B. happened
    C. had happened
    D. would have been happened

    17. John ______ a book when I saw him.

    A. is reading
    B. read
    C. was reading
    D. reading

    18. He said he _______ return later.

    A. will
    B. would
    C. can
    D. would be

    19. Jack ________ the door.

    A. has just opened
    B. open
    C. have opened
    D. opening

    20. I have been waiting for you ______.

    A. since early morning
    B. since 9 a. m
    C. for two hours
    D. All are correct

    21. Almost everyone _______ for home by the time we arrived.

    A. leave
    B. left
    C. leaves
    D. had left

    22. By the age of 25, he ______ two famous novels.

    A. wrote
    B. writes
    C. has written
    D. had written

    23. When her husband was in the army, Mary ______ to him twice a week.

    A. was reading
    B. wrote
    C. was written
    D. had written

    24. I couldn’t cut the grass because the lawn mower ______ a few days previously.

    A. broke down
    B. has been broken

    C. had broken down
    D. breaks down

    25. I have never played badminton before. This is the first time I _____ to play.

    A. try
    B. tried
    C. have tried
    D. am trying

    26. Since _______, I have heard nothing from him.

    A. he had left
    B. he left
    C. he has left
    D. he was left

    27. After I _______ lunch, I looked for my bag.

    A. had
    B. had had
    C. have has
    D. have had

    28. By the end of next year, George _______ English for two years.

    A. will have learned
    B. will learn

    C. has learned
    D. would learn

    29. The man got out of the car, ________ round to the back and opened the book.

    A. walking
    B. walked
    C. walks
    D. walk

    30. Henry _______ into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner.

    A. was going
    B. went
    C. has gone
    D. did go

    31. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he ______ dinner.

    A. finish
    B. finishes
    C. will finish
    D. finishing

    32. I will be glad if he _______ with us.

    A. had gone
    B. did go
    C. went
    D. goes

    33. Ask her to come and see me when she _______ her work.

    A. finish
    B. has finished
    C. finished
    D. finishing

    34. Turn off the gas. Don’t you see that the kettle ________?

    A. boil
    B. boils
    C. is boiling
    D. boiled

    35. Tom and Mary ______ for Vietnam tomorrow.

    A. leave
    B. are leaving
    C. leaving
    D. are left

    36. He always ________ for a walk in the evening.

    A. go
    B. is going
    C. goes
    D. going

    37. Her brother ______ in Canada at present.

    A. working
    B. works
    C. is working
    D. work

    38. I ______ to the same barber since last year.

    A. am going
    B. have been going
    C. go
    D. had gone

    39. Her father ______ when she was a small girl.

    A. dies

    B. died
    C. has died
    D. had died

    40. Last week, my professor promised that he ________ today.

    A. would come
    B. will come
    C. comes
    D. coming

    Bài 3: Chia động từ cho đúng

    1. In all the world, there (be) __________ only 14 mountains that (reach) __________above 8,000 meters.

    2. He sometimes (come) __________ to see his parents.

    3. When I (come) __________, she (leave) __________for Dalat ten minutes ago.

    4. My grandfather never (fly) __________ in an airplane, and he has no intention of ever doing so.

    5. We just (decide) __________ that we (undertake) ____________ the job.

    6. He told me that he (take) __________ a trip to California the following week.

    7. I knew that this road (be) __________ too narrow.

    8. Right now I (attend) __________ class. Yesterday at this time I (attend) __________class.

    9. Tomorrow I’m going to leave for home. When I (arrive) __________at the airport, Mary (wait) __________ for me.

    10. Margaret was born in 1950. By last year, she (live) __________on this earth for 55 years.

    11. The traffic was very heavy. By the time I (get) __________to Mary’s party, everyone already (arrive) __________

    12. I will graduate in June. I (see) __________ you in July. By the time I (see) __________ you, I (graduate) __________.

    13. I (visit) __________ my uncle’s home regularly when I (be) __________ a child.

    14. That book (be) __________ on the table for weeks. You (not read) __________ it yet?

    15. David (wash) __________ his hands. He just (repair) __________ the TV set.

    16. You (be) __________here before? Yes, I (spend) __________ my holidays here last year.

    17. We never (meet) __________ him. We don’t know what he (look) __________ like.

    18. The car (be) __________ ready for him by the time he (come) __________tomorrow.

    19. On arriving at home I (find) __________that she just (leave) __________a few minutes before.

    20. When we (arrive) __________ in London tonight, it probably (rain) __________.

    21. It (rain) __________ hard. We can’t do anything until it (stop) __________

    22. Last night we (watch) __________TV when the power (fail) __________.

    23. That evening we (stay) __________up to talk about the town where he (live) __________for some years.

    24. I (sit) __________down for a rest while the shoes (repair) __________.

    25. Half way to the office Paul (turn) __________round and (go) __________back home because he (forget) __________to turn the gas off.

    26. London (change) __________a lot since we first (come) __________ to live here.

    27. While we (talk) __________on the phone the children (start) __________fighting and (break) __________a window

    28. He used to talk to us for hours about all the interesting things he (do) __________ in his life.

    29. You know she (stand) __________looking at that picture for the last twenty minutes.

    30. I (spend) __________ a lot of time travelling since I (get) __________this new job.

    31. When we (be) __________ at school we all (study) __________Latin.

    32. When I (meet) __________ him, he (work) __________as a waiter for a year.

    33. After he (finish) __________ breakfast he (sit) __________down to write some letters.

    34. She (have) __________a hard life, but she’s always smiling.

    35. I think Jim (be) __________ out of town.

    Bài 4: Điền giới từ thích hợp

    1. Lan’ll have a party …………………. Friday evening.

    2. Would you like to come ………. my house …………lunch?

    3. She takes care …………. her family.

    4. She works ………a local supermarket.

    5. My mother works……………the field…………. my father.

    6. Does your father work …………. . Hanoi?

    7. David is good ………………. . Math.

    8. What do you do …………. your free time?

    9. Are you interested …………. . sports?.

    10. There’s a good film …………. . ……… the moment.

    11. Thanks ………. . your letter.

    12. I’ll see my mom and dad ……………. . their farm.

    13. We have to work hard ………. home and……………. school

    14. We’ll visit her ………. Christmas.

    15. Are you tired …………. . watching TV?

    16. She often brings them …………… school.

    17. He works ………. a factory.

    18. We always go to Ha Long Bay ………. vacation.

    19. Tell me more ………. . your family.

    20. Can you send me a photo ………. . your family?

    21. He goes ………. the city …………his wife.

    22. It takes 18 hours to get ………Hanoi ………. coach.

    23. We write ………. each other twice a week.

    24. He is the president …………………. our club.

    25. She spends most ……………the time …………. the couch ………. front ……. the TV.

    26. What do you usually do …………. school?

    27. Why don’t you come …………. .?

    28. They swap cards ………. their friends.

    29. Will you play a game ……………. . catch?

    30. What do you do ……………. . recess?

    31. They usually have portable CD player ……………. small earphones.

    32. I’ll take part……………. your club.

    33. They read or study …………. the same time.

    34. We enjoy all ………………… our classes.

    35. …………. school we study many things.

    36. …………. . history, we study past and present events………. . Vietnam and ………the world.

    37. …………. . physics, we learn …………how things work.

    38. She learns how to use a computer ………. . her Computer Science class.

    39. Newspapers are ………. the racks ……………. the middle.

    40. Math books are ……………. . the shelves ………. . the left.

    41. The largest library is ………………Washington D. C, the capital ………. the USA.

    42. Those books ………. the back …………the libraries are ………English.

    43. Now, come and look ……………the kitchen.

    44. My uncle is …………. . work now.

    45. Can I see the rest ………the house?

    46. She’ll have a party ………. . her birthday.

    Bài 5. Rearrange the words or phrases to make sentences.

    1. with/ my/live/ I /in/aunt/ Sai Gon.


    2. ancient/ has/ students/ his/ school/ lots of.


    3. Hue/in/ friends/ any/ have/ she/ does?


    4. classmate/ their/ Cam/is.


    5. Is/ nice/ meet/ again/it/ to/ me?


    Bài 6. Use the cues to make questions, then answer.

    1. Mrs. Hanh/ go/ supermarket/ bus.


    2. Viet and Trang/ go/ stadium/ motorbike.


    3.The students/ go/ zoo/ bikes.


    4.Miss Le/ travel/ HCM City/ plane.


    5.I/ go/ post office/ foot.


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