Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 5 năm 2023 – 2024

Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 5 năm 2023 – 2024

Đề cương học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 5 năm 2023 – 2024 tổng hợp lại những kiến thức trọng tâm trong học kì 2, cùng đề ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh lớp 5, có đáp án kèm theo, giúp các em nắm thật chắc kiến thức, để ôn thi cuối học kì 2 hiệu quả.

Bạn đang đọc: Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 5 năm 2023 – 2024

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Đề cương ôn thi kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 5 năm 2023 – 2024

    Ôn tập lý thuyết Tiếng Anh lớp 5 học kì 2

    I. Vocabulary:

    – like: thích

    – some water: 1 ít nước

    – work: làm việc

    – a glass of: một ly/ …

    – flower: hoa

    – house (n): nhà

    – have/ has: có

    – Sunday (n): chủ nhật

    – by train: bằng xe lửa/ ….

    – teach: dạy

    – teacher: giáo viên

    – feel: cảm thấy

    – hungry : đói/ …- eat: ăn

    – hot: nóng/ …

    – weather: thời tiết

    – a camping stove: bếp cắm trại

    – listen to music: nghe nhạc

    – go to the movies: đi xem phim

    – go fishing: đi câu cá

    – bring camera (v): mang theo máy ảnh

    – classmate (n): bạn cùng lớp

    – take some photos (v): chụp ảnh

    – swim/ go swimming: đi bơi

    – be going to: sẽ

    – have a picnic: đi picnic

    – tent (n): cái lều

    – camp/go camping: đi cắm trại

    – do: làm

    – visit (v): thăm, tham quan

    – friend (n): bạn

    – stay (v): ở lại

    – hotel (n): khách sạn

    – the beach: bãi biển

    – family (n): gia đình

    – weekend (n): cuối tuần

    – vacation: kỳ nghỉ

    – uncle and aunt: chú/ bác và cô/ dì

    – read: đọc sách

    – season: mùa; summer: mùa hè/ …

    – speak: nói

    – language: ngôn ngữ

    II. Adverb of frequency: (Trạng từ chỉ tần suất)

    always: luôn luôn

    usually: thường xuyên

    often: thường

    sometimes: thỉnh thoảng

    never: không bao giờ

    I always have dinner at home.

    Nam usually plays soccer in the afternoon.

    Lan often plays badminton with Mai.

    He sometimes goes swimming when it’s hot.

    I never go to the zoo.

    She is never late for school.

    – Thường đứng trước động từ thường, hoặc sau động từ tobe.

    III. Tenses: (Các thì)

    1. Present simple tense (Hiện tại đơn):

    – Diễn tả sự thật, hành động, sự việc ở hiện tại

    + To be:

    S + am/is/are …

    S + am not/is not/are not…

    Are/Is .+ S ….?

    Yes, S +be/ No, S + be not

    + Ordinary Verbs:

    S + V0/ V(s)/ V(es) …

    S + don’t/doesn’t + V0

    Do/does + S + V0?

    No, S + don’t/doesn’t

    Yes, S + do/does

    – I am a student

    – She is a teacher

    – He isn’t a teacher.

    A: Are you a student?

    B: Yes, I am.

    A: Is she a teacher?

    B: Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t

    – I play soccer after school.

    – He plays soccer after school.

    I don’t play soccer after school.

    – He doesn’t play soccer after school.

    2. Present progressive tense (Hiện tại tiếp diễn):

    – Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra (ngay khi đang nói)

    S + am/is/are + V-ing..

    S + am not/is not/are not + V-ing..

    Are/Is .+ S + V-ing…?

    Yes, S +be/ No, S + be not

    – Cách hỏi và trả lời ai đó đang làm gì:

    What + are + you/we/they + doing?

    → I am …../ We are …../ They are ……

    What + is + she/he/Lan+ doing?

    → She is…/ He is …/ She is …

    – Trong câu thường có các trạng từ:

    at the moment: ngay lúc này

    now: bây giờ

    right now: ngay bây giờ

    – I am watching TV now

    – She is reading at the moment.

    – They are playing soccer now

    a/ What are you doing?

    – I am riding my bike.

    b/ What is he doing?

    – He is playing games

    c/ What are they doing?

    – They are watching television.

    3. Near future tense: (Thì tương lai gần)

    – Diễn tả 1 kế hoạch, dự định sắp tới trong tương lai gần nhất.

    – (Be) going to: sắp, sẽ, dự định.

    S + am/is/are + going to + V0

    – Lan is going to visit Hue this summer vacation

    – I am going to go fishing on the weekend

    IV. Prepositions of time and position (giới từ chỉ thời gian và địa điểm, vị trí):

    – on, in, at, next to, near, behind, in front of, to the right of, to the left of, from…to, opposite, between…and.

    V. Make suggestions: (Lời đề nghị, rủ rê)

    a. Let’s + V0 Ex: Let’sgo swim

    b. Why don’t we + V0? Ex: Why don’t we go there by bus.

    c. What/How about + V-ing ? Ex: What about going to Hue?

    d. Would you like + N/ to V0? Ex: Would you like some milk?/ Would you like to drink milk?

    VI. Comparatives and Superlatives of short Adj (So sánh hơn và so sánh nhất của tính từ ngắn)

    1. Comparatives of short Adj: (So sánh hơn của tính từ ngắn)

    S1 + is/ am/ are + adj – ER + than + S2

    Ex: I am taller than my sister: Tôi cao hơn chị tôi.

    My house is bigger than Lan’s house.: Nhà tôi to hơn nhà Lan.

    2. Superlatives of short Adj: (So sánh nhất của tính từ ngắn)

    S + is/ am/ are + the + adj -EST

    Ex: I am the tallest in my class: Tôi cao nhất lớp tôi

    This cake is the biggest: Cái bánh này là to nhất.

    Summer is the hottest season in a year: Mùa hè là mùa nóng nhất trong một năm

    * Notes:

    – tall- taller- the tallest

    – large – larger – the largest (tận cùng bằng “e” chỉ thêm “r” với so sánh hơn hoặc ” st” với so sánh nhất)

    – hot – hotter – the hottest (tận cùng bằng một phụ âm, trước phụ âm là một nguyên âm ta phải gấp đôi phụ âm trước khi thêm “er” hoặc ” est”)

    Bài tập ôn thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 5

    I. ĐỌC

    1. My uncle is an engineer. His name is Hung. He is going on vacation this summer. First, he is going to visit Ha Long Bay. He is going to stay in a small hotel near the bay for two days. Then he is going to visit Da Lat for three days. Finally, he is going to visit some friends in Ho Chi Minh City. He is going to stay there for one day. He is going to walk along Saigon River. He is going to fly home.

    A. Chọn True (T) or False (F)

    1. …. Mr. Hung is going to visit three cities this summer.

    2….. He is going to visit Ha Long Bay first, then Ho Chi Minh City, and finally Da Lat.

    3….. He is going to stay in Da Lat for three days.

    4….. He is going to travel home by train.

    B. Trả lời câu hỏi

    5. Where is Mr. Hung going to stay in Ha Long Bay?

    →……………… ………………………………………………………………….

    6. Is he going to visit some friends in Ho Chi Minh City?


    2. In Viet Nam, there are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. In the summer, it is hot and we often play soccer, then go swimming. In winter, it is cold, we always play basketball and never go fishing. In fall, it is cool, we go sailing. In spring, it is warm, we often play volleyball. Our favorite season is fall because the weather is very beautiful.

    A. Đọc câu và xác định thông tin bên dưới là đúng (T) hay là sai (F).

    1…. It is hot in the summer.

    2…. They always play basketball in the spring.

    3…. It is cool in the fall and they go sailing.

    B. Trả lời câu hỏi sau:

    4. What is the weather like in the spring?

    →……………… ………………………………

    5. Why do they like the fall?

    →……………… ………………………………

    3. Chọn từ thích hợp trong khung điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn.

    favorite      does       plays      or     but      every

    Miss Huong is our teacher. She teaches history. She is tall and thin …………..(1) ………. she is not weak. She ……….(2)…………… a lot of sports. Her ……………..(3)…………sports is aerobics. She …………(4)………. aerobics three times a week. She likes jogging, too. She jogs in the park near her house …………(5)………. morning. In her free time she listens to music ……(6)………..watches TV.


    1. What weather do you like?


    2. Do you like cold drink?


    3. Do you like meat?


    4. Which sports do you like?


    5. What is your favorite food?


    6. Where are you from?


    7. What is your nationality?


    8. Which language do you speak?


    9. How often do you go to school?


    10. What are you going to do this summer vacation?


    11. What do you do in your free time?


    12. Do you like hot weather?



    1. always/ Lan and Na/ to/ go/ the movies/ Sunday/ on


    2. is/ in/ Mexico City/ the world/ the biggest/ city


    3. the/ is/ what/ like/ weather/ in/ the summer?


    4. never/ in/ he/ goes/ winter/ fishing/ the


    5. long/ she/ has/ hair/ black


    6. going to/ do/ I/ tonight/ my homework/ am


    7. sometimes/ they/ go/ Sundays/ on/ fishing


    8. listen/ to/ don’t/ we/ music/ why?


    9. Mary/ a/ lemon/ glass/ of/ would like/ juice


    10. do/ it/ cold/ is/ what/ you/ often/ when/ do?


    11. house/ smaller/ is/ house/ than/ my/ Lan’s


    12. cool/ jogging/ it/ sister/ when/ goes/ my/ is


    13. is/ it/ winter/ the/ cold/ in/ often


    14. twice/ swimming/ Mary/ week/ a/ goes



    1. Why don’t we bring a camera along?

    → How about ?…………………………………………….

    2. Le Loi street is shorter than Tran Phu street.

    → Tran Phu street…………………………………………….

    3. Ho Chi Minh city is bigger than Ha Noi capital.

    → Ha Noi capital…………………………………………….

    4. Let’s play basketball after school.

    → What about…………………………………………….

    5. Let’s go to Ha Long Bay next summer vacation.

    → What about ?…………………………………………….

    6. Tokyo is bigger than London

    → London…………………………………………….


    1. Viết đoạn văn miêu tả về mẹ của bạn dựa vào câu trả lời các câu hỏi.

    – How old is she?

    – Is she tall or short, thin or fat?

    – Is her hair long or short?

    – Is her face round or oval?

    – Is her lips full or thin?






    2. What is your favorite sport?

    What’s the weather like in the summer?

    What do you do when it’s hot?

    What are you going to do this summer vacation?

    Where are you going to stay?






    Đề ôn tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 5

    I. Phonics:

    Odd one out:

    1. A. stor y B. worr y C. fl y D. stud y
    2. A. r i de B. l i ke C. n i ce D. f i sh
    3. A. f e ver B. v e ry C. b e d D. w e ll
    4. A. s ch ool B. ch ocolate C. ch ild D. ch ildren
    5. A. m a ny B. a nimal C. e ngineer D. fri e nd

    Odd one out:

    6. A. sing er B. work er C. farm er D. engin eer
    7. A. cartoon B. programme C. music D. classroom
    8. A. garden B. question C. delicious D. water
    9. A. intelligent B. greedy C. princess D. favourite
    10. A. character B. apple C. because D. stupid

    II. Vocabulary:

    Odd one out:

    11. A. engineer B. teacher C. farm D. doctor
    12. A. stomachache B. headache C. fever D. school
    13. A. bike B. motorbike C. plane D. comic
    14. A. write B. read C. song D. sleep
    15. A. apple B. fox C. elephant D. lion

    Choose the correct answer:

    1. What would you like to be in the future? – I’d like to be _____ writer.

    A. a
    B. an
    C. Ø
    D. the

    2. I think Tam is _______.

    A. greedy
    B. kind
    C. ugly
    D. stupid

    3. My favourite book is _______.

    A. comics
    B. songs
    C. TV
    D. children

    4. The main character in Snow White is _______.

    A. the princess
    B. Snow White
    C. Doraemon
    D. Tom

    5. Trung would like to be a _______ in the future.

    A. pilot
    B. engineer
    C. artist
    D. architect

    6. What are you doing? – I am _______ my favourite books.

    A. read
    B. reading
    C. listen
    D. listening

    7. Nam has a high temperature. He has a/an _______.

    A. earache
    B. stomachache
    C. fever
    D. toothache

    8. Why do you would like to be a teacher? – _______ I’d like to teach children.

    A. When
    B. Because
    C. What
    D. Where

    9. Why would you like to be a nurse? – _______.

    A. Because I would like to look after the patients.
    B. Because I would like to teach the children.
    C. Because I would like to write stories for children.
    D. Because I would like to fly a plane.

    10. Linda has a pain in her throat. She has a/an _______.

    A. toothache
    B. sore throat
    C. earache
    D. backache

    11. Don’t ride your _____ so fast!

    A. car
    B. matches
    C. bike
    D. stairs

    12. You shouldn’t play with the knife because it’s _______.

    A. small
    B. sharp
    C. tall
    D. deep

    13. What is she doing? – She _______ with matches.

    A. are playing
    B. was playing
    C. is playing
    D. am playing

    14. What’s the ______ with you, Tony? – I’ve got a fever.

    A. problem
    B. matter
    C. happiness
    D. luck

    15. What do you do in your free time? – I surf _______.

    A. the Internet
    B. comics
    C. homework
    D. flowers

    16. John is riding his bike _______ the park.

    A. on
    B. at
    C. above
    D. in

    17. I love karate. I _______ karate every day.

    A. work
    B. make
    C. do
    D. clean

    18. Hoa often _______ to the music club every Sunday.

    A. goes
    B. does
    C. listens
    D. climbs

    19. They like _______ and singing songs.

    A. dancing
    B. climbing
    C. going
    D. doing

    20. A: Thanks for your lovely gift.

    B: ________.

    A. You’re welcome
    B. Go ahead!
    C. I’m sorry!
    D. Don’t worry about it!

    21. Quan has a pain in his stomach. He has a/an _______.

    A. toothache
    B. stomach ache
    C. sore throat
    D. headache


    Task 1. Look and write the correct words.

    Toothache/ bus stop/ pilot/ rice/ The story of Tam and Cam/

    22. It’s a fairy tale about two sisters. ______________

    23. He has a pain in her tooth. ________________

    24. A person who flies or is qualified to fly an aircraft or spacecraft. ____________

    25. A Southeast Asian grass widely grown in warm wet areas especially for its seeds which are used for food. _________________

    26. A place where a bus regularly stops, usually marked by a sign. _________________


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