Bài tập trắc nghiệm về câu cầu khiến

Bài tập trắc nghiệm về câu cầu khiến

Bài tập câu cầu khiến trong tiếng Anh bao gồm 3 trang tổng hợp đầy đủ các dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm có đáp án kèm theo.

Bạn đang đọc: Bài tập trắc nghiệm về câu cầu khiến

Thông qua bài tập về câu cầu khiến các bạn có thêm nhiều tài liệu tự học, tự làm bài, tự chấm điểm, tự rút ra lỗi sai để học tốt tiếng Anh đạt kết quả cao trong các bài kiểm tra, bài thi sắp tới. Hy vọng qua tài liệu này sẽ giúp bạn hiểu sâu hơn về cách dùng cũng như các cách làm bài tập về câu cầu khiến. Ngoài ra các bạn xem thêm: bài tập về các thì trong tiếng Anh, Bài tập về mệnh đề trong tiếng Anh.

Trắc nghiệm về câu cầu khiến trong tiếng Anh

    Bài tập trắc nghiệm về câu cầu khiến

    Exercise 1

    1. I’ll have the boys______ the chairs.

    a. paint
    b. to paint
    c. painted
    d. painting

    2. I am going to have a new house______

    a. build
    b. to build
    c. built
    d. building

    3. Have these flowers______ to her office, please.

    a. taken
    b. taking
    c. take
    d. to take

    4. You should have your car______ before going.

    a. servicing
    b. to service
    c. service
    d. serviced

    5. I’ll have a new dress______ for my daughter.

    a. making
    b. to make
    c. make
    d. made

    6. Pupils should have their eyes______ regularly.

    a. tested
    b. to test
    c. test
    d. testing

    7. Lisa had the roof______ yesterday.

    a. repair
    b. repaired
    c. to repair
    d. repairing

    8. They have just had air conditioning______ in their house.

    a. install
    b. to install
    c. installed
    d. installing

    9. We had the room______ yesterday

    a. decorates
    b. had decorated
    c. decorated
    d. decorating

    10. The villagers have had the use of this washing machine______ by this engineer.

    a. explain
    b. explained
    c. to explain
    d. explains

    11. By______ the housework done, we have time to further our studies.

    a. taking
    b. to have
    c. having
    d. to get

    12. The government has had new houses______ in the rural areas.

    a. build
    b. built
    c. to be built
    d. building

    13. They had the swamp______ last year.

    a. drain
    b. to drain
    c. cut
    d. to cut

    14. She is going to have her wedding dress______

    a. cutting
    b. cuts
    c. cut
    d. to cut

    15. It’s about time you had your house______

    a. whitewash
    b. whitewashed
    c. whitewashing
    d. to whitewash

    16. I’m sorry I’m late, but I______ my watch______ on the way here.

    a. have/cleaned
    b. had/clean
    c. had/cleaned
    d. had/to clean

    17. Please have the cleaner______ this meeting room.

    a. sweep
    b. swept
    c. sweeping
    d. to sweep

    18. I’d like to have my shoes______ at one.

    a. repair
    b. repairing
    c. repaired
    d. being repaired

    19. My grandmother had a tooth______ last week.

    a. fill
    b. filling
    c. filled
    d. to be filled

    20. We had the roof______ last year.

    a. mend b. mending c. mended d. being mended

    Exercise 2

    1. We have just had the carpenter______ this chair.

    a. made
    b. make
    c. to make
    d. making

    2. What did you do this morning? We ______ the room whitewashed.

    a. had
    b. have
    c. got to
    d. order

    3. I have had my room______ today.

    a. clean
    b. cleaning
    c. cleaned
    d. being cleaned

    4. John had just had his brother______ a house for him on Fifth Avenue.

    a. building
    b. build
    c. to build
    d. built

    5. Let’s have our waiter______ some coffee

    a. bring
    b. to bring
    c. bringing
    d. brought

    6. You ought to have your coat______

    a. clean and press
    b. cleaned and pressed
    c. cleaning and pressing
    d. cleaning and pressed

    7. The teacher had the students______ their test.

    a. had in
    b. handed in
    c. handing in
    d. having handed in

    8. The students got the librarian______ books for them.

    a. buy
    b. to buy
    c. bought
    d. buying

    9. Why don’t you have that coat______?

    a. cleaned
    b. clean
    c. cleaning
    d. to clean

    10. She doesn’t like having her picture______

    a. take
    b. taken
    c. taking
    d. to take

    11. James had his nose______ in a fight.

    a. break
    b. to break
    c. breaking
    d. broken

    12. Frank had his passport______ on a train.

    a. stealing
    b. to steal
    c. stolen
    d. steal

    13. Fred had his hat______ off in the wind.

    a. blow
    b. blown
    c. blowing
    d. to blow

    14. George had his papers______ at the police station.

    a. take
    b. to take
    c. taking
    d. taken

    15. Bill is having his shoes______

    a. shined
    b. to shine
    c. chining
    d. shine

    16. I’ll have another key______

    a. made
    b. making
    c. to make
    d. make

    17. Do you have a newspaper______ to your home?

    a. deliver
    b. delivered
    c. to deliver
    d. delivering

    18. I have not had the film______ yet.

    a. develop
    b. to develop
    c. developing
    d. doing

    19. She had her hair______ yesterday.

    a. done
    b. do
    c. to do
    d. doing

    20. Have her______ these letters, please.

    a. type
    b. to type
    c. typed
    d. typing

    Đáp án bài tập về câu cầu khiến

    Exercise 1





















    Exercise 2





















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