Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 10 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 10 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 10 Ecotourism là tài liệu vô cùng hữu ích, giúp học sinh lớp 10 củng cố bài tập sau các bài học trên lớp sách Global Success.

Bạn đang đọc: Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 10 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống

Bài tập Unit 10 lớp 10 Global success giúp học sinh mở rộng vốn từ vựng, cải thiện ngữ pháp và rèn kỹ năng ngôn ngữ. Qua đó giúp học sinh sử dụng tiếng Anh một cách tự tin kỹ năng đọc hiểu, nghe hiểu, viết và nói. Bài tập bổ trợ tiếng Anh 10 Unit 10 không chỉ giúp học sinh tiếp cận với nhiều mẫu câu, ngữ cảnh và văn bản mới mà còn giúp cải thiện khả năng sáng tạo, logic, và sự tự tin trong việc sử dụng tiếng Anh. Ngoài ra các bạn xem thêm File nghe tiếng Anh 10 Global success.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 10 Ecotourism

1. Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 10 Unit 10

Câu điều kiện dùng để nêu lên một giả thiết về một sự việc, hành động có thể xảy ra khi điều kiện được nói đến xảy ra. Câu điều kiện gồm 2 mệnh đề: mệnh đề “if” nêu lên điều kiện và mệnh đề nêu lên kết quả là mệnh đề chính.


1. Conditional sentences type 1 ( Câu điều kiện loại 1)

Use: Chỉ sự việc, hành động có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc trong tương lai. ( Câu điều kiện có thực )


If clause

Main clause

If + S + V ( Present tense) ….

S + will/ can/ may/ might + V

( bare – inf )

E.g: If I get the scholarship, I will study in England. ( Nếu tôi nhận được học bổng thì tôi sẽ học ở nước Anh.)

If the weather is nice, I will go fishing. ( Nếu thời tiết đẹp thì tôi sẽ đi câu cá )

If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation. ( Nếu tôi tìm thấy địa chỉ của cô ấy thì tôi sẽ gửi thiệp mời cho cô ấy.)

– Đảo ngữ: If + S + V ( present tense), …. = Should + S + V bare-inf, …..

E.g: If he calls me, I’ll answer immediately = Should he call me, I’ll answer immediately. ( Nếu anh ấy có gọi tôi thì tôi sẽ trả lời ngay lập tức. )

2. Conditional type 2 ( Câu điều kiện loại 2 )

Use: Chỉ sự việc , hành động không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai, điều kiện chỉ là một giải thiết, một ước muốn trái ngược với thực tế ở hiện tại ( Câu điều kiện không có thực ở hiện tại )


If clause

Main clause

If + S + V ( past tense )/ could + V (bare – inf) ….

S + would/ could + V (bare-inf)….

E.g: If I were a millionaire, I would buy that house. ( Nếu tôi là một triệu phú, tôi sẽ mua ngôi nhà đó.)

If I had money, I could buy a new car. ( Nếu tôi có tiền thì tôi có thể mua được ô tô mới.)

*Note: Trong câu điều kiện loại 2 thì động từ to be “were” thường được dùng với tất cả các chủ ngữ. Tuy nhiên, “was” vẫn có thể được sử dụng.

– Đảo ngữ: Were + S + to + V-inf, S + would + V-inf

E.g: If I learnt Korean, I would sing a Korean song, = Were I to learn Korean, I would sing a Korean song. ( Nếu tôi học tiếng Hàn Quốc, tôi sẽ hát được bài hát tiếng Hàn.)

3. Conditional sentences in reported speech ( Câu điều kiện gián tiếp )

Khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu tường thuật ( gián tiếp ), động từ trong câu điều kiện loại 1 ( conditional type 1 ) được chia theo loại 2 (conditional type 2 ), câu điều kiện loại 2 và 3 không thay đổi dạng động từ.


“ I’ll will come to see you if I have time”, the man said to her.

-> The man said to her ( that ) he would come to see her if he had time.

“What would you say if someone stepped on your feet?”, they asked me.

-> They asked me what I would say if someone stepped on my feet.

“ If you had asked me, I would have lent you my laptop”, my brother said to me.

-> My brother said to me ( that ) if I had asked him, he would have lent me his laptop

2. Bài tập vận dụng

Bài 1: Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form.

1. If you go to Paris, where you (stay) ___________________?

2. If you ( swim )_______________ in this lake, you’ll shiver from cold.

3. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose)___________________.

4. The flight may be cancelled if the fog ( get ) _________________ thick.

5. If the milkman ( come ) _____________________, tell him to leave two pints.

Bài 2: Choose the correct answer in the brackets.

1. If you ( turn/ turns/ could turn ) the volume down, the music ( sounded/ would sound/ would sounded) clearer.

2. Your pencils ( broke not/ didn’t break/ wouldn’t break if you ( pack/ would pack/ packed) your school bad more carefully.

3. If the girls ( goed/ went/ could went ) to bed earlier, they ( yawned not/ wouldn’t yawn/ won’t yawn) all through the lesson.

4. ( Would you like/ like you/ will you like ) a car if you ( has/ had/ have ) the money?

5. If Bill ( closes/ closed/ will close ) the window, it ( wouldn’t be/ won’t be/ isn’t) so cold in the kitchen.

Bài 3: Combine the two sentences using conditional sentences.

1 . They don’t understand the problem. They won’t find a solution

-> If they _____________________________________.

2. He sits around too much. He isn’t fit.

-> If he ________________________________________.

3. She’s very thin; perhaps that’s why she feels cold so much.

-> If he _______________________________________.

4. He never polishes his shoes, so he never looks smart.

-> If he _______________________________________.

5. He can’t park near his office; that’s why he doesn’t come by car.

-> If he ____________________________________________.

Bài 4: Change the following conditional sentences into reported speech.

1. “ If catch the plane I’ll be home by four o’clock” she said.


2. “You should stay in bed if you feel unwell.” My mother said.


3. “What would you do if you were having a problem with grammar, Nga?” Huyen asked.


4. “If I were you, I’d stop smoking,” she said to her brother.


5. “I’d have been in bad trouble if Lan hadn’t helped me,” he said.


Bài 5: Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence given.

1. I don’t see you very often because you live so far away.

-> If you ____________________________________________

2. I don’t have enough money, so I’m not going to buy that skirt.

-> I’d ______________________________________________

3. We don’t practice English very often – We can’t communicate with foreigners.

-> If we _____________________________________________

4. I can’t meet you tomorrow – I have to work late.

-> If __________________________________________________

5. I don’t want her advice, and that’s why I’m not going to ask for it.

-> If ________________________________________________.

3. Bài tập tổng hợp nâng cao

Bài 6: Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form. ( Conditional sentences )

1. If you come with me, I __________ (do) the shopping with you.

2. Tom ___________(help) his mother in the garden if she reads him a story this evening.

3. If it __________(rain), I will stay at home.

4. Our teacher will be happy if we __________( learn) the letter by heart.

5. If they had enough money, they ____________( buy 0 a new house.

6. They ___________ ( pass ) the exam if they studied harder.

7. If Nick ______________ ( repair ) his bike, he could go on a bicycle tour with us.

8. She would get 50 pounds if she ____________(sell) this old computer.

9. If I were you, I _______________( invite ) John to the party.

10. If the weather ____________(be) fine, the children can walk to school.

Bài 7: Choose the correct answer in the brackets.

1. If I ( listen/ listens/ will listen) to classical music, I (writes/ writes/ can write) good poems.

2. Sally (look/ looks, must look) after her baby brother if her father ( go/ goes/ with go ) jogging.

3. If you (take/ takes/ will take) the train, you ( arrive/ arrive/ should arrive ) in Hanoi before 8 pm.

4. The girls ( hurry/ hurries/ should hurry) if they ( book/ books/ haven’t booked) the tickets yet.

5. If Mark ( do/ does/ will do ) that, Sue ( scream/ screamed/ will scream ).

Bài 8: Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form.

1. If I had time, I (go) shopping with you.

2. If you (speak) English, you will get along with them perfectly.

3. If she (come ) to see us, we will go to the zoo.

4. I would (tell) you, if I saw him.

5. Would you mind if I (open) the window?

6. My friend will meet me at the station if he (get) the afternoon off.

7. If I (not do) it, nobody would do it.

8. If my mother (not pick) me up, I’ll take the bus home.

Bài 9: Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction.

1. If we (A) have time (B) in the weekend, we (C) will come (D) to see you.

2. If I (A) am you, I would (B) follow (C) his (D) advice.

3. He can (A) pass (B) the exam if he (C) studied (D) hard.

4. What (A) do you (B) do if you won (C) the first prize of (D) the lottery?

5. Would people (A) be able (B) to fly, if they (C) have feathers (D) instead of hair?

Bài 10: Rearrange the words or phrases to make meaningful sentences.

1. not / if / does / rain / it / we /, /go / out / will / for / walk / a /.


2. there / if / plant / more / we / trees / , /be / more / will / animals / this / in / area /.


3. earn / unless / works / he / hard / , / will / nothing / he /.


4. if / I / accept / that / were / company’s / would / offer / I / Alex/.


5. following / they / that / device / that / would / announced / be / produced / the / year /.



I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. weather B. hearty C. meadow D. breath

2. A. public B. scuba-diving C. understand D. culture

3. A. ruin B. fruit C. cruise D. juice

4. A. relax B. natural C. safari D. camping

5. A. biology B. biosphere C. biodiversity D. biogas

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. ecology B. minority C. historical D. favourable

2. A. energy B. destination C. understanding D. degradation

3. A. environment B. eco-friendly C. inorganic D. vegetation

4. A. ecology B. scuba-diving C. sustainable D. phenomenon

5. A. adventurous B. habitat C. sustainable D. traditional

6. A. preservation B. equality C. economic D. entertainment


I. Complete the sentences with a suitable word in the box.









1. The Central Highlands is also highly appreciated thanks to its high biological _________________________.

2. The Bach Ma area has long been famous for its rich ________________________ , and plant species richness within Bach Ma National Park is still high.

3. Son Doong Cave has been ___________________________ as the largest natural cave in the world.

4. Phong Nha Cave has the longest underground river, the highest and longest cave, broadest and most beautiful fine sand beaches inside the caves, the most spectacular stalagmites and __________________________.

5. Ecotourism is a form of travel that seeks to improve environmental ____________________________, foster cultural respect, and benefit the economic development of local communities.

6. The Mekong Delta is one of the world’s largest and most __________________________ inland fisheries.

7. The most typical __________________________ activities are visits and studies in some national parks, adventurous activities in the mountain areas, and community-based ecotourism activities in the mountainous areas.

8. Researchers consider Phong Nha – Ke Bang to be of particular importance for bird _____________________.

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. The birds (be) _________________ scared and (fly) ________________ away if the birdwatchers (make) ___________________ loud noises.

2. I (take) ________________ the laptop back to the shop if you (not know) _________________ how to fix it.

3. John and Ann (feel) _________________ disappointed if nobody (come) _________________ to their party.

4. If I (need) _______________ money to buy a dictionary, you (lend) ___________________ me some?

5. I (be) _______________ surprised if you (fail) ___________________ the exam. You’re working so hard.

6. We (help) ________________ you to do the housework if we (have) ______________________ time.

7. If you (throw) __________________ plastic bags into the sea, the fish (eat) ___________________ them and (die) ____________________.

8. You (cause) ________________ a forest fire if you (make) _________________ a campfire and then (leave)

________________________ it unattended.

III. Choose the correct word or phrasal to complete the sentences.

1. My parents might be sad if I fail/ will fail the exam.

2. If it doesn’t rain, we would eat/ will eat in the garden.

3. You get/ will get a discount if you pay for the trip in advance.

4. We will not go/ go to school on time if the bus is late again.

5. I’m sure he calls/ will call you if he doesn’t see you at the party.

6. If Alice leaf/ leaves for Ha Noi at 3 o’clock, she’ll be there by 10.30.

7. You went/ can go out with your friends if you finish your homework before 7 o’clock.

8. If you pay/ will pay for an ecostour, part of your money will be used for wildlife protection.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1. If I had a typewriter I _________________________ (type) it myself.

2. If I __________________________ (know) his address I’d give it to you.

3. He ________________________ (look) a lot better if he shaved more often.

4. If you _______________________ (play) for lower stakes you wouldn’t lose so much.

5. If he worked more slowly he _________________________ (not make) so many mistakes.

6. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I _________________ (be) you.

7. More tourists would come to this country if it ____________________ (have) a better climate.

8. If I were sent to prison you _____________________ (visit) me?

9. If someone ___________________ (give) you a helicopter what would you do with it?

10. I _________________________ (buy) shares in that company if I had some money.

V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1. If I had known that you were in hospital I _______________________ (visit) you.

2. The ground was very soft. But for that, my horse _________________________ (win).

3. If you ____________________ (arrive) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat.

4. You would have seen my garden at its best if you ____________________________ (be) here last week.

5. But for his quickness I ___________________________ (be) killed.

6. I shouldn’t have believed it if I __________________________ (not see) it with my own eyes.

7. If he had slipped, he ________________________ (fall) 500 metres.

8. If he had asked you, you __________________________ (accept)?

9. If I ___________________________ (had) a map I would have been all right.

10. If I ___________________________- (know) that you were coming I’d have baked a cake.

VI. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

1. The southeast area of Viet Nam has typical ___________________________________

systems with Cat Tien, Con Dao National Park, Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, which are characterized by high biological diversity.

2. Bac Lieu Bird Sanctuary Nature Reserve is a coastal rich and _____________________

salt forest floor with the natural salt-marsh ecosystem.

3. The wonder of Cao Son Eco-Lodge in Lao Cai is ______________________________

with mild weather, authentic culture of local hill tribes and spectacular landscapes.

4. The limestone forest ecosystem at Phong Nha – Ke Bang support a high diversity of plant and animal species, and it is of the greatest ______________________ significance.

5. At an altitude of 178 meters, Ba Be is the only __________________________ natural mountain lake in Viet Nam.

6. Ba Be Lake is unique among Vietnamese protected areas for the diversity of freshwater __________________________.

7. The vegetation of Cuc Phuong National Park is ___________________________ by limestone forest.

8. Cuc Phuong National Park __________________________ populations of several mammal species of conservation importance.









VII. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

1. “Would you mind if we ____ you by your first name?” – “Not at all. Please call me Tom.”

A. called
B. call
C. calling
D. want to call

2. She can’t get home ____ she has no money.

A. unless
B. if
C. until
D. without

3. If I had known your new address, we ____ to see you.

A. came
B. will come
C. would come
D. would have come

4. If we took the 10:30 train, ____ too early.

A. we would arrive
B. we should arrive
C. we will arrive
D. we may arrive

5. It’s very crowded here. I wish there ____ so many people.

A. aren’t
B. weren’t
C. haven’t been
D. isn’t

6. I wouldn’t go there at night if I ____ you

A. am
B. was
C. were
D. had been

7. If I ____ get a rode, I’ll go fishing.

A. can
B. could
C. may
D. might

8. If they had enough time, they ____ head south.

A. will
B. can
C. must
D. might

9. If you ____ a choice, which country would you visit?

A. have
B. had
C. have had
D. will have

10. Trees won’t grow ____ there is enough water.

A. if
B. when
C. unless
D. as

11. I have a test to take tomorrow morning. If I ____ free time, I ____ to Cuc Phuong National Park with you.

A. had – would go
B. will have – will go
C. have – will go
D. had – went

12. Phong Nha Cave has been regarded by the British Cave Research Association as the top cave in the world ____ its four top records.

A. despite
B. with
C. due to
D. because

13. ____ the decisive assistance of the villagers, we would not be able to facilitate the ecotour.

A. But
B. Neither
C. With
D. Without

14. According to the weather forecast, it will be fine at the weekend. If the weather ____ fine, we ____ on camping at the weekend.

A. were – would go
B. was – went
C. is – will go
D. will be – go

15. After lunch, we take a short talk to the elephant camp ____ you will enjoy an exciting elephant riding.

A. where
B. what
C. that
D. when

16. You can climb up Mount McKinley, the highest peak in North America, to explore the rest of Denali National Park in Alaska, and view some ____ wildlife.

A. interested
B. spectacular
C. excited
D. great

17. The vast wilderness of Alaska offers some unbelievable ecotourism opportunities, and one of the most ____ tourism industries in the USA.

A. sustainable
B. natural
C. safe
D. environmental

18. Villagers can compete against the commercial fishing and timber companies who ____ the natural resources of the area, taking as much as they want.

A. deplete
B. lower
C. leave
D. decrease

19. The Mekong Delta is an extraordinary place that ____ international tourists.

A. offers
B. considers
C. attracts
D. persuades

20. The areas are very ____ for tourists who love to study and discover.

A. suitable
B. available
C. successful
D. aware


I. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.











Depart from Ha Noi and head for Highland of Ha Giang, it would be a long but fantastic trip. It is the zigzag mountain path that will make your journey unforgettable.

Meo Vac is exactly the next (1) _______________ that will take your breath (2) _______________. You will totally be in the feeling of adventure, feeling of peace and feeling of full discovery. Starting your way of exploration, Meo Vac is the right place for you to check out some of 23 minority groups in Ha Giang, which (3) ________________ Hmong, Tay, Nung tribes. The Nho Que River seems to be so tiny among big mountains. You can see here and there the locals in their colorful dresses, (4) __________________ on the terraced fields.

Making the way north, you will arrive in Dong Van. The minibus creeps in the layers of (5) __________ again, overwhelming you with loads of beautiful sceneries. Passing Heaven’s Gate, Rock Plateau, which was (6) ________________ by the UNESCO as a geological park, seems to appear before your eyes like a masterpiece of nature. Like other sites in Ha Giang, Dong Van is (7) _______________ all year around, particularly, on Lunar New Year holiday when various cultures of minority groups are strongly and widely exposed. Besides, you will be able to witness the brilliant yellow paddy fields around August and September, which is in the (8) _________________ of the harvest season.

Up to Lung Cu, the (9) ________________ beauty of rocky area will continue to captivate your soul. The Highest Flagpole of the North Viet Nam, Old Palace of Hmong King, Pho Bang Old Town are of your good choices here. They (10) ___________________ the harmony between culture and history of the highland. Let’s join in the local market, and we guarantee that you will have what you are looking for!

II. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.

Come “fly” over the Rainforest – We’ll take your breath away!

Located in Cairns, Australia, Rainforest Flyway is a world leader in (1) ____. We take our guests on a breathtaking “flight over rainforest trees and straight into the heart of the rainforest for an unforgettable experience.

On the Flyway, you’ll experience over 7.5 kilometers of living rainforests while learning about this spectacular place. Did you know that Australia’s rainforests are home to over 3,000 different plant species? And (2) ____ of the trees here are more than 3,000 years old! After this visit you’ll understand why it’s so important to (3) ____ the rainforests. And you’ll see that environmentally responsible travel can be fun, educational, and breathtaking.

Even if you’re a world traveler, you’ve never experienced anything like the Rainforest Flyway. You’ll start your unique journey above the (4) ____, as you “fly” in a comfortable gondola only a few meters above the trees. Sit back and enjoy the extraordinary (5) ____. You will be amazed at the breathtakingly rich and lush foliage. And rest assured, there was no damage done to the rainforest (6) ____ during the construction of your gondola. That’s why the development of the Flyway took over 40 months to complete.

Your gondola will bring you down into the rainforest itself, where you follow a path to see, hear, and smell the rainforest environment from the ground. Free tours are available several times a day. (7) ____ guides can point out some unusual plants, provide you with interesting facts about rainforest ecology, and answer your questions.

Your Rainforest Flyway experience lasts 90 minutes and ends in the small town of Kuranda, just 25 kilometers northwest of Cairns. Here, you can continue your eco-tour with a visit to the protected areas that 2,000 tropical butterflies call home. You can also buy (8) ____ arts and crafts made by the people of Kuranda. And if that isn’t enough, you can continue on to the (9) ____ reserve located a short 9 kilometers west of Kuranda to see animals from all parts of the world.

Rainforest Flyway has won numerous awards, including Travel Planet magazine’s “Best Ecotourism Destination” Call or visit us online to make your (10) ____ reservations.

1. A. difference B. range C. ecotourism D. quality

2. A. some B. part C. type D. any

3. A. exist B. accommodate C. store D. preserve

4. A. flood B. rainforest C. forest D. jungle

5. A. appearance B. scenery C. photo D. present

6. A. ecology B. biology C. geography D. ecotourism

7. A. Tourism B. Tour C. Tourist D. Touring

8. A. beneficial B. right C. original D. negative

9. A. ecology B. ecotour C. ecotourist D. wildlife

10. A. protections B. reservations C. guides D. organizations


I. Rewrite the conditional sentences for the following situations.

1. Phong doesn’t have enough money so he can’t travel abroad.


2. I don’t drive too close to the animals on safari. They don’t get scared.


3. Tom doesn’t have a passport. He can’t travel abroad.


4. There are so many tourists visiting the national parks. The environment there is badly damaged.


5. Tourists throw litter in the river. The water is polluted.


6. I can’t swim, so I’m not going scuba – diving with you.


7. I want to go on an eco-tour to Phu Quoc National Park, but I don’t have any holiday.


8. These students do not work hard. They can’t pass the exam.


II. Rewrite the conditional sentences for the following situations.

1. Hoa’s got so much homework that she can’t go out with her friends tonight.


2. Sue doesn’t have Tony’s email address. She can’t send him a message.


3. I could make a cake for you, but there aren’t any eggs in the fridge now.


4. Nancy doesn’t live near the park. She can’t go running there every morning.


5. Nam can’t swim. He is not allowed to go to the swimming pool alone.


6. I can’t go to the concert because I have a lot of homework to do.


7. Nam doesn’t have a camera, so he can’t take pictures of his trip.



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