Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 theo từng Unit

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 theo từng Unit

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 theo từng Unit là tài liệu vô cùng hữu ích mà hôm nay Download.vn muốn giới thiệu đến quý thầy cô cùng các bạn học sinh tham khảo.

Bạn đang đọc: Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 theo từng Unit

Tài liệu bao gồm 91 trang, tổng hợp các dạng bài tập của từng bài nhằm giúp các em học sinh lớp 8 ôn tập lại hệ thống kiến thức tiếng Anh, đồng thời rèn luyện kỹ năng làm bài và quản lý thời gian. Sau đây là nội dung chi tiết, mời các em cùng tham khảo và tải tài liệu tại đây.

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 theo từng Unit

Unit 1

Present simple to talk about general truths.

– We use the present simple to express general truths. For example.

+ The earth moves around the sun.

+ The moon goes round the earth.

+ The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

+ The bear sleeps during the winter.

+ Today is Monday; tomorrow is Tuesday.

+ Fish lives in the water.

+ Water consists of main elements: Hydrogen and Oxygen

Use of “enough”.

– Enough is put before noun and after adjective. For example

+ She hasn’t enough money to buy a new house.

+ There is not enough time to finish the test.

+ There wasn’t enough room for us to sleep

+ He has enough reasons to be angry.

S + V + Enough + N + To-infinitive

Enough + N + For + O + To-infinitive

The rope is not long enough.

She isn’t old enough to drive a car.

It is not old enough for her to drive a car.

I am fool enough to trust her.

S + Be + ADJ + Enough + To-infinitive

IT + Be + ADJ + Enough + For / Of + O + To-infinitive

I. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

generous/ orphanage/ sociable/ planet/ next-door/ humor/ joke.

1.The Earth is the name of the ______ we live on.

2. He has a good sense of ______. He always makes people laugh.

3.After the death of his parents, he was sent to an ________.

4.Don’t do it as a ______. It’s a serious thing.

5.She lives next to my house. She is my ______ neighbor.

6.It was _____ of you to share your food with me.

7.Mai has a lot of friends. She is very ______.

II. Arrange the adjectives in brackets in the correct order.

1. It’s a (wooden/ round) table.

2. She is wearing a (green/ new/ beautiful) dress.

3. My uncle lives in a (old/ lovely/ small) house.

4. That girl has (blue/ nice/ big) eyes.

5. He gave me (black/ leather) gloves.

6. My teacher has a (round/ pink/ small) face.

7. It’s a (small/ metal/ black) box.

III. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence, using (not) adjective + enough + to-infinitive.

1. My sister is old. She can drive a car.


2. The radio isn’t small. You can’t put it in your pocket.


3. This coat isn’t warm. I don’t wear it in winter.


4. She is beautiful and intelligent. She can become Miss World.


5. The weather was fine. We could go camping.


6. Those apples aren’t ripe. We can’t eat them.


7. Mr. Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a house.


8. The worker is clever. He can make fine things from wood.


IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form or tense.

1. She ______ (not/ drink) coffee. She ______ (drink) Coca Cola.

2. It _______ (be) often hot in the summer.

3. What _______ you ______ (do) every evening?

4. The earth _______ (circle) the sun once every 365 days.

5. I ______ (see) her very often.

6. Most rivers _______ (flow) into the sea.

7. Vegetarians ______ (not/ eat) meat.

8. Bees _____ (make) honey.

9. Rice ______ (not/ grow) in cold climates.

10. Where _____ Martin ______ (come) from? – He _____ (be) Scottish.

11. The sea _____ (cover) two-third of the world.

IV. Fill in the blanks with correct preposition in the box. You can use some prepositions more than one.

in/ on/ to/ of/ at/ with

Hang is fourteen years old. She is a pretty girl (1) _____ long black hair. She goes (2) _____ school five days a week and usually goes swimming (3) _____ some friends (4) _____ Saturday mornings. She lives (5) _____ a large house (6) _____ her mother, father and younger sister (7) _____ 2/34 Nguyen Trai. Hang has a lot (8) _____ friends. (9) _____ all her friends, Nga and Thuy are the ones she spends most of her time (10) _____. They are all like listening (11) _____ music and playing sports (12) _____ their free time.

V. Put the words in correct order to make full sentences.

1. brown/ has/ eyes/ she/ big.


2. gray/ a/ Mr. Thanh/ beard/ long/ has.


3. many/ are/ flower/ garden/ in/red/ her/ there/ small.


4. car/ is/ black/ it/ big/ a.


5. draw/ a/ thin/ firstly/ line/long.


6. talking/ man/ is/ a/ she/ handsome/ to/ tall.


7. sister/ short/ does/ hair/ Linh’s/ wavy/ have?


8. married/ fat/ she/ short/ a/ man.


9. teacher/ dark/ has/ our/ hair/ straight/ long.


10. daughter/ blond/ has/ hair/ his/ long.


VI. Read the passage then answer the following questions.

Of all my relatives, I like my aunt Emily the best. She’s my mother’s youngest sister. She has never married and live alone in a small village near Bath. She’s fifty years old, but she’s quite young in spirit. She has a fair complexion, thick brown hair and dark brown eyes. She has a kind face, and when you meet her, the first thing you notice is her smile. Her face is a little wrinkled now, but I think she is still rather attractive. She is the sort of person you can always go to if you have a problem and she’s extremely generous.

She likes reading and gardening, and she still goes for long walks over the hills.

I hope I’m as active as she is when I’m her age.

1. What’s your aunt’s name?


2. How old is she?


3. What does she look like?


4. What is she like?


5. Where does she live?


6. Who does she live with?


7. What does she like doing in her free time?


VII. Make complete sentences from the words given below.

1. The sun/ rise/ East.


2. He/ be/ old/ enough/ go/ school.


3. It/ be/ cold/ go out.


4. She/ be/ nice girl/ long hair.


5. He/ be/ friendly/ kind/ everyone.


6. His hair/ short/ black.


7. What/ your teacher/ like?


8. He/ be/ not/ sociable/ as/ his brother.


9. We/ enjoy/ tell/ jokes.


10. He/ be/ hard-working student/ who/ always/ good marks.


Unit 2

1. Be going to : dự định

* We use “be going to” to express plans or intentions in the near future, it is sure to happen. For example

We are going to practice piano for two hours this evening.

She is going to travel abroad tomorrow.

* We also use “ be going to ” to predict. For example

Oh, look ! it is going to rain. Look out, she is going to faint.

They are going to be married next May.

S + Be (am/is/are) + going to + Bare infinitive

. Adverbs of place.

* We use adverbs of place to show the direction or position of people or things.

For example

He is not outside; Maybe he is inside.

They do not play football here; perhaps, they play there.

She is not upstairs; it is possible that she is downstairs.

Outside: bên ngoài

Inside: bên trong

Here: ở đây

There : ở đó

Upstairs: ở trên lầu

Downstairs: ở dưới lầu

I. Write sentences. Say what the people are going to do.

1. My uncle has won some money. (buy a new car)


2. They received a wedding present from their pen pal friend, Nick. (write a letter to thank him)


3. I’ll have an annual holiday next month. (visit Ha Long Bay)


4. My father has a bad cough. (stop smoking)


5. Linh is studying medicine. (be a doctor)


6. We have bought some bricks. (build a garage)


7. The windows are dirty and Mai’ll be free this afternoon. (clean the windows)


8. Jane and Lan have decided to have a party. (invite lots of people)


II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form or tense.

1. Bad driving ________ (cause) many accidents.

2. Nga and Lan ________ (see) a movie tonight.

3. Sue can _________ (speak) Vietnamese very well.

4. Mozart _________ (write) more than 600 pieces of music.

5. ‘How _______ you _______ (learn) to drive?’ ‘My father ______ (teach) me.

6. We usually ______ (go) to the library three times a week, but last week we _______ (go) twice.

7. Alexander Graham Bell _______ (introduce) the telephone in 1876.

8. Yesterday I _______ (be) busy, so I _______ (not/ have) time to phone you.

9. ‘What _______ you _______ (do) next summer vacation?’

‘I _______ (visit) my grandparents in Nha Trang.

10. Would you like ______ (come) to dinner tomorrow?

III. Complete the sentence, using the appropriate adverbs in the box.

in/ on/ there/ outside/ inside/ upstairs/ here/ downstairs

1) The children love Disneyland. They want to go ________________ again.

2) I opened the box and look _________.

3) She ran ______________ to open the door for him.

4) I’m afraid I can’t drink coffee with milk _____________.

5) Let’s go ______________ and sit in the sun.

6) Wait ______________. I’ll be back in a minute.

7) He ran up the stairs to see what happened __________.

8) What’s ____________ at the Rex Movie Theater this weekend?

IV. Read the passage below and then answer the questions.

Angela Duffy is a schoolgirl from Liverpool. She wants to be a doctor. “I am going to medial school next year. It’s a long course – about six years – but I’m going to work very hard. It is a difficult job, but I like working with people, and I like the idea of working in a caring profession. “She says that later she would like specialize and perhaps be a vet. “I love animals, and looking after them would be wonderful.”

Angela’s sister is studying marketing at university. She enjoys traveling, and would probably like to work for a tour company. “I’m not sure yet exactly what I want to do. After university, I’m going to have a year off, and I’m going round the world with another girl. We hope to find a work on the way.”

1) How long is Angela going to study at the medical school?


2) Is working as a doctor hard work?


3) Why does Angela want to be a vet?


4) What does Angela’s sister do?


5) Who is she going round the world with?


V. Use the structure “be going to” and choose one of the suitable verbs to complete the following sentences.

crash/ snow/ be sick/ be late/ have an interview

move/ jump/ be pilots/ get married/ have a small party

1) Peter and I are learning to fly. We…………………………

2) Look at that man on the bridge. I think he……………………..

3) I don’t feel well. I think I……………………..

4) Tom and Jane got engaged last week. They……………………..

5) It’s so cold and look at those clouds! I think it……………………..

6) The man’s driving too fast. He……………………..

7) Miss Hoa is wearing her best clothes. She……………………..

8) Hurry up! It’s nearly ten o’clock! You……………………..

9) It’s Nam’s birthday next week. He……………………..

10.Mr. and Mrs. Binh’s flat is too small. They……………………..

VI. Put a suitable article (a/ an/ the or 0) in each gap.

1) It’s _____ bit far from my house to ______ cinema.

2) Viet likes ______ comedies very much and there’s ______ interesting comedy on TV tonight.

3) _____ deaf are the people who can’t hear.

4) It is _____ large lab, but there is only _____ assistant.

5) Trang isn’to in _____ kitchen, she’s _____ upstairs.

6) They’re going to build _____ university in this town.

VII. Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition.

1) The post office is not far _____ my house.

2) Let’s meet _____ the City Theater tonight.

3) She was born _____ May 16th, 2001 _____ Nha Trang.

4) He worked _____ deaf – mute _____ Boston University.

5) Mrs. Lien said you could reach her _____ 6 863 423.

6) Snow is falling all _____ the country.

VIII. Choose the best answer.

1) Can you record that program for me? (I’m going to/ I’ll) have a bath.

2) Nam isn’to upstairs. He’s (sideout/ outside).

3) Do you know where ( the new theater is/ is the new theater)?

4) Marie Curie was French (although/ despite) she was born in Poland.

5) Let’s (meeting/ meet) at the front door.

6) “Mr. Watson, come here. I want you. “ was (the first/ the once) telephone message.

7) Can I (leave/ live) a message for Mr. Cuong?

8) Manh will give us a ring when he (will arrive/ arrives) in Hanoi.

9) Hoa has a lot of (homework/ homeworks) in Math last week.

10) I can’t find my glasses. – Yes, OK. (I’m going to/ I’ll) help you look for them.

Unit 3

I. Fill in the blanks with the suitable verbs in the correct form.

sweep/ feed/ rub/ empty/ dust/ tidy/ cook/ wash

1. My mother _____ the furniture everyday.

2. She ____ the garbage two days ago.

3. Would you like to come for dinner? I ______ a hearty dinner tonight.

4. He _____ the rugs last Sunday.

5. They _____ the dishes now.

6. You’d better _____ your room before your mother arrives.

7. What ____ you usually _____ your dog on?

8. Mai ____ the kitchen floor yesterday evening.

II. Complete the sentences with must or have/ has to.

1. Vietnamese children ____ wear uniform when they come to school

2. Last night my sister was ill. We _____ call the doctor.

3. I have bad toothache. I ____ make an appointment with the dentist.

4. I don’t want ____ wait in a queue for ages.

5. She ____ work on Saturday morning.

6. When you come to California, you ____ come and see us soon.

7. This is a terrible party. We ____ go home.

8. If there are no taxis, we’ll _____ walk.

9. Daniel ____ go to the bank. He hasn’t any money.

10. You really ____ hurry up, Vicky. We don’t want to be late.

III. Fill in the blanks with mustn’t or don’t/ doesn’t have to.

1. They ____ work on Saturday.

2. Visitors ____ feed the animal.

3. Tim ____ wear uniform at school.

4. You _____ touch that switch. It’s very dangerous.

5. Don’t make so much noise. We _____ wake the baby.

6. There’s a lift in the building, so I _____ climb the stairs.

7. Staff _____ smoke when serving customers.

8. Sally is extremely rich. She _____ work.

IV. Give advice with ought to or ought not to.

1. Minh looks very tired. (go to bed late)


2. My parents are going to visit France. (learn a few French words)


3. It’s eight o’clock. Helen is still sleeping. (get up earlier)


4. There is traffic jam and the people are rushing forward. (drive like that)


5. Nam is going to have final exam tomorrow morning. He is playing computer games now. (play computer games – learn the lessons)


6. The speed limit is 30 mph, but Catherine is driving 50 mph. (drive so fast)


7. The street is too narrow. It’s always full of vehicles. (they/ widen this street)


8. I’m bored. I need a change. (go away for a few days)


V. Fill in each blank with a correct reflexive pronoun.

1. My sister often looks at _______ in the mirror.

2. Mark made _______ a sandwich.

3. This refrigerator defrosts _______.

4. Hoa and I ________ saw that accident yesterday.

5. Did you pay for _______?

6. The children can look after _______ for a few days.

7. Please help me. I can’t do it ________.

8. Take care of _________?

9. He was very surprised when he looked _______ in the mirror.

10. I don’t like going to the cinema with other people. I prefer going by _______.

11. The child had no bothers or sisters, so she often had to play by _______.

12. I’m afraid that the children are going to cut ________ on the broken glass.

13. We had a great time in London together. We really enjoyed ________.

14. “Can I take another biscuit?” – Of course. Help _________”.

15. Don’t worry about Linh and me. We can look after _________.

16. I gave them a key to our house so that they could let ________ in.

17. Phuong had a great holiday. She enjoyed __________.

18. Please try and understand how I feel. Put __________ in my position.

19. I taught _______ to play the guitar. I have never had lessons.

20. An elephant hurt _______ when it tried to get out of the zoo yesterday.

21. I don’t need any help. I can take care of _______.

22. Sarah and I didn’t enjoy _______ at the disco last night.

23. This exercise isn’to very difficult. Do it _______.

24. My brother can repair the bicycle _______.

VI. Read the text and answer the following questions.

Peter had a letter form his sister yesterday. She lives in Nigeria. In her letter, she said that she was coming to England next month. If she comes, she will get a surprise. Peter is now living in a beautiful new house in the country. Work on it had begun before his sister left. The house was completed five months ago. In his letter, he said that, he wanted her to stay with his family. The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden. It is a modern house. So it looks strange to some people. It must be the only modern house in the district.

1. Where does Peter’s sister live?


2. What is she going to do next month?


3. Where is Peter living now?


4. When was the house completed?


5. Has it got many large rooms and a lovely garden?


6. Did he invite his sister to stay with him?


7. Why does the house look strange to some people?


VII. Fill in each blank with a suitable word to complete the following passage.

If you see a fire, you should ring the school bell ____ (1) one minutes. When they ____ (2) the bell, students should quickly leave ____ (3) classroom. The monitor should take the register with him on leaving the classroom. The _____ (4) should line up outside the classroom as soon _____ (5) everyone has left the room. Then _____ (6) class should walk quickly along the path to the main entrance. When they _____ (7) the main entrance, the students should stand quietly in the playground. While they ______ (8) waiting there, one of the students ______ (9) look for the class teacher in the playground. On finding _____ (10), he should give him the class register.

Unit 4

Past simple tense: “Used to”

  • We use “ used to ” to express the past habits. But now they don’t exist any longer.
  • For example.
  • When she was a little girl, she used to swim in this river.
  • When we were in grade 7, we used to play soccer.

Used to (thường) + Bare infinitive

Prepositions of time: “ in , on, at, after, before, between ”

  • In(vào) + (second / minute / hour / day / week / month / seasons / year )
    • In 20 seconds, she will leave here.
    • They start working in spring and end in summer.
    • She always gets up at 5.00 in the morning.
    • I was born in 1978.
  • On(vào) + (holidays / days in a week / date)
    • We are going to have a party for my mom on March 8.
    • He has Math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
  • At( lúc ) + ( hour time )
  • Minh goes to sleep at 10.00 p.m.
  • After(sau)+(second/minute/hour /day/week/month/seasons/year)
  • before( trước )+(second/minute/hour /day/week/month/seasons/year)
  • After 20 seconds, she will leave here.
  • They start working before Spring and end after Summer.
  • She always gets up after 5.00 .
  • Between…..and ……(giữa …..và ….)

They will build my house between January and September.

I. Complete these sentences with used to or didn’t use to.

1. My father gave up smoking two years ago. He (smoke) ______a packet of cigarettes a day.

2. There (be) ______________ a movie theater here but it closed a long time ago.

3. Mr. An (not/ drink) __________coffee when he was young but he likes it now.

4. Peter (have) _________ a motorbike, but last month he sold it and bought a car.

5. I (not/ like) her but we are best friends now.

6. They came to live in the city last year. They (live) ______ in a small village in the country.

7. My sister (play) _________ tennis a lot but she doesn’t play very often now.

8. When I was a child I (not/ study) ____________ hard.

II. Write these sentences, putting one verbs into the correct form of used to and the other into the past simple.

1. He (live) ____________ in London before he (go) ___________ abroad.

2. I (earn) ______________ a lot of money, but then I (lose) my job.

3. I’m surprised that they (join) ____________ the tennis club. They (not/ like) _____ tennis.

4. _____ you (travel) ___________ a lot before I (become) _________ a teacher?

5. That radio (work) ______ before I (drop) ______ it.

6. We (see) _____ them every week, but then we (have) ______ an argument.

7. She (play) _______ tennis a lot before she (break) _____________ her leg.

8. She (drive) ______ a lot before she (have) ______ an accident.

9. We (have) _______ a garden, but then we (move) ______ to a different house.

III. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

I remember the days when I was still a little girl. When the New Year cam, my mother used to tell me not to cry, she used to take me to the market and buy new clothes for me, she used to make sticky rice square cakes and cook them all night. She used to go to the flower market to buy some fresh flowers. My father used to pain the walls and redecorate the house and he used to help my mom with housework. Now my parents are old and I am grown up so I do everything myself. But I still remember the days…

1. What did your mother use to tell you when the New Year came?


2. Where did she use to take you and what did she buy you?


3. What did she use to make?


4. Where did she use to go?


5. What did your father use to do?


6. Do your parents do those things nowadays? Why or Why not?


IV. Put a suitable preposition in each blank.

1. I was born _____ January 1st, 1965.

2. When did you meet him? – _____ lunch today.

3. It often rains _____ October _____ Vietnam.

4. What are you going to do _____ 2020?

5. I don’t know but I am going to go to college _____ September this year.

6. You want to watch the sky _____ sunset?

7. Sure. And I like to go for a walk _____ sunrise, too.

8. Well, let’s go for a walk ______ the weekends.

9. I don’t know what he is doing ______ the moment.

10. What did he do ______ the ninth of April, 2000?

11. She often hears some strange noise _______ midnight.

12. Does it rain _____ Spring?

V. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs into the correct form. Affirmative or negative.

1. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I _____ her. (disturb)

2. I was very tired, so I _____ to bed early. (go)

3. The bed was very uncomfortable. I _____ well. (sleep)

4. Sue wasn’t hungry, so she ______ anything. (eat)

5. We went Kate’s house but she _____ at home. (be)

6. It was a funny situation but nobody ______. (laugh)

7. The window was open and a bird _____ into the room. (fly)

8. The hotel wasn’t expensive. It ______ very much. (cost)

9. I was in a hurry, so I _____ time to phone you. (have)

10. It was hard work carrying the bags. They _____ very heavy. (be)

VI. Write the sentences, using the cue words.

1. We/ not/ go/ school/ Saturdays.


2. They/ usually/ hold/ party/ New Year’s Eve.


3. I/ going/ see/ John/ lunchtime.


4. Last night/ she/ come home/ 10.30 and 11 o’clock.


5. Jazz/ become/ popular/ United States/ the 1920s.


6. I/ call/ you/ Friday afternoon/ about 2.30.


7. The first man/ walk/ moon/ 21 July 1969.


8. We/ often/ have/ short holiday/ Christmas.


VII. Put the verb in correct tense or form.

1. Trung’s father (teach) _____ him how (ride) a bicycle when he (be) ____ twelve years old.

2. How _____ your brother (go) ________ to work everyday? – He usually ________ (drive).

3. We (go) ________ to Ha Long Bay this weekend.

4. You (used) ____ to play so much when you (live) ____in the countryside?

5. Yesterday Hoang (spend) ______ two hours (repair) _______ his computer set.

VIII. Choose the right word in brackets to fill in the blank.

1. Last night I watched the movie Romeo and Juliet. At last they killed (together/ each other/ themselves/ them).

2. (What/ Do/ Would/ Will) you like to com? – I’d love to.

3. We must be there (at/ before/ between/ after) 7.30 and 8.15.

4. When my grandmother was young, she used (sing/ to sing/ sang/ sung) very well.

5. Don’t go(outside/ inside/ into/ away). It’s too cold.

6. Our team played well (too/ that/ so/ enough) to win the gold medal.

7. Don’t let your child (play/ to play/ playing/ plays) with matches.

8. How long will he (must/ should/ have to/ has to) stay there?


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