Đề thi thử vào lớp 6 năm 2023 – 2024 trường THCS Archimedes Academy, Hà Nội

Đề thi thử vào lớp 6 năm 2023 – 2024 trường THCS Archimedes Academy, Hà Nội giúp các em học sinh ôn tập, luyện giải đề, nắm được cấu trúc đề thi để ôn thi vào lớp 6 năm 2023 – 2024 đạt kết quả cao.

Bạn đang đọc: Đề thi thử vào lớp 6 năm 2023 – 2024 trường THCS Archimedes Academy, Hà Nội

Hệ thống Archimedes School được thành lập vào năm 2012, nằm trong top các trường tư thục được rất nhiều bậc phụ huynh đánh giá cao và quyết tâm cho con em mình theo học. Vậy mời các em cùng theo dõi bài viết dưới đây để ôn tập thật tốt cho kỳ thi vào lớp 6 sắp tới:

Đề thi thử vào lớp 6 năm 2023 – 2024 trường THCS Archimedes Academy

    Đề thi thử vào lớp 6 Archimedes Academy môn Tiếng Anh năm học 2023 – 2024


    I. Choose the word which has a different sound in the part Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.


    A. last

    B. fast

    C. task

    D. taste


    A. put

    B. luck

    C. subject

    D. much


    A. house

    B. hour

    C. hair

    D. happen


    A. watched

    B. stopped

    C. missed

    D. wanted

    II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.


    A. ruler

    B. about

    C. student

    D. window


    A. village

    B. mountain

    C. agree

    D. island


    A. motorbike

    B. plantation

    C. sandcastle

    D. countryside


    I. Choose the word which is not the same with the others. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.


    A. pen

    B. doctor

    C. eraser

    D. pencil


    A. Monday

    B. Friday

    C. April

    D. Tuesday


    A. gentle

    B. rude

    C. generous

    D. helpful


    A. China

    B. Japanese

    C. England

    D. Australia


    A. painter

    B. paintbrush

    C. canvas

    D. paper


    A. tuna

    B. canal

    C. port

    D. river

    II. Choose the odd one Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.

    E.g. We live in a small village in the mountains. It’s far and .

    A. noisy

    B. quiet

    C. quite

    D. near

    11. We can see hundreds of in the clear sky.

    A. craters

    B. asteroids

    C. universe

    D. stars

    12. He served in the in Korea for 20 years.

    A. armor

    B. army

    C. soldier

    D. general

    13. Last week, I visited my uncle’s where coffee and rubber are grown.

    A. peasant

    B. agriculture

    C. plantation

    D. farmer

    14. Liz my house to say goodbye before she left for Brazil last night.

    A. dropped back

    B. dropped out

    C. dropped by

    D. dropped off

    15. Andy! When are you going to throw those old newspapers?

    A. away

    B. in

    C. by

    D. off

    16. You should have your teeth checked by a at least twice a year.

    A. dental

    B. dentist

    C. dentistry

    D. dentition

    17. The shampoo has a light of herb and plant extracts.

    A. fragrant

    B. fragrance

    C. arrogance

    D. arrogant

    18. His prevents him from driving a car.

    A. disability

    B. disable

    C. disabled

    D. disabilities

    19. The students are very about the school sports day next Friday.

    A. bored

    B. boring

    C. excited

    D. exciting

    20. Lucy is fond of shopping. She bought dresses and a lot of hats last week.

    A. fifth

    B. second

    C. tenth

    D. eight


    I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.

    21. Have you seen my pencil ?

    A. everywhere

    B. anywhere

    C. nowhere

    D. where

    22. There are only eggs in the fridge.

    A. little

    B. a little

    C. many

    D. a few

    23. Those shoes are really nice. I would like to buy .

    A. they

    B. them

    C. this

    D. that

    24. In the park, there are tall trees.

    A. a

    B. an

    C. some

    D. any

    25. This building is than that one.

    A. beautiful

    B. more beautiful

    C. much beautiful

    D. as beautiful

    26. My are cold. Where are my socks?

    A. foot

    B. foots

    C. feet

    D. feets

    27. Mary can’t go to the cinema. She look after her sister tonight.

    A. doesn’t have to

    B. wants

    C. needs

    D. has to

    28. You aren’t going to wear those funny glasses, ?

    A. are you

    B. aren’t you

    C. will you

    D. won’t you

    29. Madrid is capital of Spain.

    A. a

    B. an

    C. the

    D. no article

    30. She thinks July is the month of the year.

    A. hotter

    B. hot

    C. hottest

    D. hotest

    II. Put the verb into the correct tense to complete each sentence. Write the form of the verb on the answer sheet.

    E.g. I always (do) do

    31. I think our teacher (not give) my homework after dinner.us any homework today.

    32. What time Jane (wake up) on weekdays?

    33. Our classmates (have) a lot of fun at the party last

    34. Don’t forget to take the It (be) cold outside.

    35. John(answer) the questions

    36. My father (drive) his car when a policeman stopped

    37. What is your plan for the summer? – I (visit) _ my grandparents in

    38. We(not see) him for over twenty

    39. Michael would be angry if someone (take) his computer without

    40. The baby will cry if you don’t want (play) with


    Choose the best answer. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.

    E.g. A: “What’s the matter with you?”


    A. I have a toothache.

    B. I go to the doctor every weekend.

    C. I have three lessons today.

    D. I’m going to the park.

    41. What does he do before dinner?

    A. He lives with his parents.

    B. He loves reading fairy tales.

    C. He always gets up early in the morning.

    D. He has a shower.

    42. I’d love to be an astronaut. Do you think I’ll be one?

    A. No. I won’t go to Mars.

    B. I’m not interested in space.

    C. Why not? I predict you’ll fly to the moon.

    D. I’d like to find a new star or a planet one day.

    43. How often do you watch cartoons?

    A. Twice a week.

    B. My favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry.

    C. I go to the cinema.

    D. I loving watching cartoons with my sister.

    44. Where were you last summer?

    A. It was nice.

    B. I was at the seaside.

    C. I went by coach.

    D. I took a boat trip.

    45. What color will you paint the room?

    A. I hope it was right.

    B. We can’t decide.

    C. It was very difficult.

    D. I love painting.


    I. Read the text Write T for True or F for False on your answer sheet.

    Yesterday, when I was cycling along a busy street, I saw an accident. A woman was knocked down when she was crossing the street at a zebra crossing. Many people stopped to offer their help. A policeman arrived and asked a young man to telephone for an ambulance. While waiting for the ambulance, the police and some people tried to stop the bleeding.

    They used a handkerchief to cover the wound, then put pressure on it and held it tight. They tried to talk to her in order to keep her awake. After about ten minutes, the ambulance arrived and the woman was taken to the hospital.


    The writer saw an accident.



    The writer was riding a bike along a busy street.


    Nobody helped the woman who had the accident.


    A policeman phoned for an ambulance.


    The police and some people tried to stop the bleeding with a handkerchief.


    They tried to talk to the victim in order to keep her awake.

    II. Read the following text and choose the correct answer to each question. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.

    The army of the Roman Republic was highly organized, and its soldiers were very disciplined. Enemies of Rome believed the key to defeating the Roman army was to cause fear and confusion among its soldiers. To do this, some of Rome’s enemies used elephants on the battlefield. As a result, the Romans were forced to come up with effective ways of fighting against the giant animals.

    One method was very simple. When elephants charged, the Roman soldiers would simply move out of the way and let the charging beasts pass by. In battle, Roman soldiers usually walked shoulder-to-shoulder in a single line. But they found that if they broke the line, the elephants would charge by, and the soldiers would be out of harm’s way.

    Another method was more dramatic. The Romans discovered that elephants were afraid of pigs and the squealing sounds pigs made. So sometimes they would pour oil on pigs and set them on fire. The elephants, terrified by the burning pigs and the squealing noises, would turn and run. Some elephants actually trampled the soldiers on their side.

    E.g. How was the Roman Republic?

    A. It was highly disorganized.

    B. It was rarely disorganized.

    C. It was rarely organized.

    D. It was highly organized.

    51. According to the passage, why did the enemies of Rome use elephants?

    A. They wanted to fool the Roman soldiers. B. They wanted to scare the Roman soldiers.

    C. They wanted to crush the Roman soldiers. D. They wanted to charge by the Roman lines.

    52. Why did the Romans break the line when the elephants charged?

    A. They were undisciplined. B. They tried to ride the elephants.

    C. They tried to set the elephants on fire. D. They wanted to let the elephants pass by.

    53. Why did the Romans set pigs on fire?

    A. To feed the hungry soldiers

    B. To scare the enemy soldiers

    C. To charge the enemy soldiers

    D. To scare away the elephants

    54. In paragraph 2, the phrase “out of harm’s way” is CLOSEST in meaning to .

    A. hurt

    B. safe

    C. loose

    D. glad

    55. What is the best title for this passage?

    A. Pigs on Fire

    B. Roman Wars

    C. How Ancient Romans Fought Against Elephants

    D. How Enemies of Rome Used Elephants in Battle


    Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. Write NO MORE THAN THREE words.

    E.g. John is taller than Dave. à Dave isn’t as tall as John.

    1. IfI am not busy, I will do some shopping with

    → Unless……………………….., I will do some shopping with you.

    1. Everybodyhas great regard for him despite his

    → Although……………………….., everybody has great regard for him.

    1. Heis too short to play

    → He is not………………………..to play basketball.

    1. Helikes doing scientific

    → He……………………….. in doing scientific experiments.

    1. Myfather began working in this company five years

    → My father………………………..,in this company for five years.

    Đề thi minh họa vào lớp 6 môn Toán

    I. TRẮC NGHIỆM: Học sinh chỉ ghi đáp số vào phần giấy thi không cần giải thích!

    Câu 1. Tính: 18×72+17×2818×72+17×28

    Câu 2. Đổi: 45 km/giờ =….. mét/giây

    Câu 3. Tính tổng các số tự nhiên liên tiếp từ 4 đến 20.

    Câu 4. Có bao nhiêu số có ba chữ số khác nhau có tổng các chữ số là 20?

    Câu 5. Cho hình vẽ bên biết S1=12 cm2. Tính S2

    Đề thi thử vào lớp 6 năm 2023 – 2024 trường THCS Archimedes Academy, Hà NộiII. TỰ LUẬN: Học sinh trình bày vào giấy thi!

    Bài 1: Hiện nay, tổng số tuổi của ba người một gia đình là 83. Biết bố hơn con 27 tuổi, mẹ hơn con 23 tuổi.Tính tuổi của mỗi người ?





    Bài 2. Trường Archimedes Đông Anh dành 60% số phòng làm phòng học, 1/4 số phòng làm phòng chức năng và 18 phòng còn lại dành cho việc vận hành. Tính số phòng học ?





    Bài 3. Đợt Every Step tháng 4 có 1190 số học sinh tham gia. Biết rằng Đề thi thử vào lớp 6 năm 2023 – 2024 trường THCS Archimedes Academy, Hà Nội số bạn nữ bằng Đề thi thử vào lớp 6 năm 2023 – 2024 trường THCS Archimedes Academy, Hà Nộisố bạn nam. Tính số học sinh nữ, số học sinh nam tham gia ?





    Bài 4. Người ta xếp các khối lập phương nhỏ giống nhau thành một hình lập phương lớn sau đó sơn 4 mặt xung quanh bằng màu đỏ và sơn mặt trên cùng màu xanh.Biết rằng có 16 khối nhỏ chỉ được sơn duy nhất màu xanh. Tính số khối lập phương nhỏ ban đầu,tính số khối chỉ được sơn duy nhất màu đỏ ?





    Bài 5. Lúc 6 giờ sáng, một xe máy đi từ A đến B với vận tốc 30 km/giờ. Lúc 6 giờ 30 phút, một ô tô đi từ A đến B với vận tốc 42,5 km/giờ. Ô tô đuổi kịp xe máy tại điểm C cách B là 7 km. Tính quãng đường AB ?






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